Saturday 16 January 2016


Welcome back everyone to my blog!

And I absolutely hundred times would like to apologize due to me being so inactive for the past 3 - 4 months.
The things is, I am finally graduated last December, and in order to complete my studies, I have to finish one last report and have a job training in a place I wanna be in. The job training started on October last year and have to make a report based on my experience and observation every day at work. I was completely exhausted and probably did not really have time to rest other than Sunday. What I did everyday were mostly working from morning until evening, eat dinner, and sleep. That were my routine every day.
HOWEVER! I finally I feel relieved everything is over, but on the other side, I still need to continue my training, 'cause you know... It is really hard to find a real job, if you only have 3 months of training..

Starting this month, I guess I am able to be more active in doing my blog.. And you know.. If you are like me, Korean cosmetic + skincare hardcore fan, you probably know that during these few months, there were a lot of stuff coming up in the market!

You might know my favorite cleansing wipes tissue from The Face Shop from this picture. Yup, during the past 6 months, I've been trying a lot (kinda) of cleansing tissue, including those I bought from Malaysia, but NONE can beat The Face Shop cleansing tissue! I am 100% serious. I really love this a lot. Not too wet, not too dry, not too soggy, just.. Perfect! I even saw a local celebrity use it! The cotton is so soft and the amount of liquid is just so enough to wipe your whole face. Well, I tried a tissue from a brand that I don't even remember.. It completely dried up even before my make up was taken up, so I had to use another sheet, which is suck! -_- I only wiped my face once and it dried really fast.. This tissue from The Face Shop is also soooo cheap! Approximately you only pay Rp1,000 / $0.10 or less for 1 sheet..

 This is my very first time trying Innisfree products. It's not that I am not a fan.. But it's so hard to decide which one I should buy, and Innisfree is almost the same like The Body Shop concept, pure ingredients, and this ingredient is for this type of skin and so on... But I'm not buying the skincare now, but the foundation.. These two are like a baby-sized... Soooo small, especially the powder..! I don't know whether I am happy or sad.. Hahaha.. I hope the result will worth the money.. At first I wanted to buy the green one, without blur effect, just to control sebum, but it was sold out in an online shop I bought my products from, so.. Okay I just need this.. And I though the size would be at least like normal powder.. But, it's okay! (trying to be happy). While the other one, is like a type of light foundation that will increase the coverage and make the base last longer, and the size is also a baby!! >< Hahaha.. But this will be perfect for travelling! You don't have to commit bringing big glass tube while you travel..

I want to try all types of cleansing method.. I just realized that I have a lot now... -_-
I also purchased and currently using cleansing gel this month, from rice ingredient.. it's a Japanese brand and I really like it.. But I'm using the cleansing milk too, and cleansing tissue when I am just lazy at times....
Cleansing gel, cleansing cream, cleansing milk, cleansing tissues, cleansing foams (duh.. still normal), and cleansing water aka. toner... and make up water remover.. Gonna turn white soon.. LOL
'cause I find that cleansing my face only once, does not really take out everything.. There are still residues of foundation and lip products, and especially when I wear make up... I follow The Beauty Brekadown's tips ! Go follow her guys! :D I am a hardcore fan~!

Is this still considered new? I guess no... But I just want to try it... Just like the name, water... This is just colored water.. Haha.. With candy smell.. I have tried it once or twice and I really love it.. The size is just like ETUDE HOUSE's nail polishes..! REVIEW SOON!


Sunday 10 January 2016

[ REVIEW ] Wonder Pore Special WOW kit by ETUDE HOUSE

It's WOW kit from Wonder Pore!!
Duh.. Nothing to be surprised, since this set is actually from last year or 2 years ago, and this year they already came out with new modified kit, with the additional of emulsion and cleansing foam, as Wonder Pore also have launched their newly, recreated products, except for the Freshner.

So, I brought this kit for my trip to Malaysia, just because it's handy and all-in-one and I don't have to buy this and that, and so, save space..

We don't have to argue anymore. As the name says, this kit is all-in-one kit specialized for those who has big pores, or combination of oily and big pores, and...~ I don't think this will works well with people who have a breakout or bad acnes. This kit is only to take care, smoothed and reduce the visibility of the pores. For me, I do have big pores especially around nose area, and these weeks, I've been forcing myself to always always.... do an exfoliation twice a week to reduce the whiteheads on my nose and T-zone.
So... Begin~

ETUDE HOUSE * Wonder Pore Special Wow Kit
This is a 3-step trial kit consisted of Wonder Pore product that provide a total care solution for clean and firm pores

(Pore Cleansing) Wonder Pore Facial Soap
Create lather by rubbing with wet hands and gently apply lather onto face. Gently roll soap's dented side that need special pore care

(Pore Toning) Wonder Pore Freshner
(After morning and evening cleansing) Before skincare, dispense a sufficient amount of Wonder Pore Freshner onto a cotton pad and gently wipe from inner to outer of face

(Pore Correcting) Wonder Pore Corrector
At the last stage of basic skincare, dispense a small amount and absorb into area that need special care

The strong smell has already came out even before I open the box. The smell is more like a mint or menthol smell, more like mentos candy if you know.. Haha. But actually the smell comes from the soap. The small tiny soap can cause a strong smell, how about the full size? Dang~~
Anyway, I don't think I will go more in depth, especially about the freshner, because I already done it, click here for the review of Wonder Pore Freshner . I'm more interested about the corrector..

For the soap, it's just an ordinary soap of course, which will produce foam and lather when you rub it against your hand, or your face~! Make sure to wash your face with lukewarm water, to open (according to my theory and found-in-Google theory) the pores, so assume that the foam will clean your inside pores better. Massage your face while rubbing the lather onto the face, usually I count until 30 seconds and then wash your face again with lukewarm water and gently wipe your wet face with dry towel. Do not rub your face too hard! It's suitable for everyday cleanser, and it doesn't smell strong once it touches your face

You can pour it onto your hand and then apply to your face and massage gently, that's what I always did, and in fact, pouring onto your hand will eventually save so much product, not wasting ~
For complete review, go to the link I mentioned~

So, this is the product I was so excited to check out! And actually it's kind of unexpected that it turned to be like this! Which, I loved okay~
The corrector does the job too anyway! You hardly can't see the result once you apply it onto your face, even though what you see in the picture here. does not look transparent, but more a bit grey. The corrector is suitable for your oily T-Zone area, BUT! If you talk about durability or how long this product will last on your face, of course if won't be more than 2 or 3 hours lah.. IF! YOU ARE AWAKE! I mean when you still do stuff or planning to stay awake until dawn, then.. the heat and stress from your body will cause your face to be oily again, LOL I don't mean to disappoint you guys, but that's how it is on my skin..
HOWEVER! I just found out that, when you apply this to the oily areas and then you go to sleep, it's actually works! This morning, I woke up, and the first I did was touching my nose, and incredible! It was still smooth like a powder!

(pic of apply)

So, after basic skincare steps, I prefer to use it at night, dispense a little onto your finger, just like this amount shown in the picture above and then rub it gently on the T-Zone. It will dries up quickly, and leave your T-Zone area smooth baby's butt!! Joking.. The feeling is like when you are applying baby powder onto your body. I suggest you not to put any oily / wet like gel or light cream after applying this corrector DIRECTLY, 'cause the product will be gone... of course, makes sense...

'cause I know how it feels. BURN and HURT!! No kidding!! ><

Shortly, what I found very useful from this kit, is of course the soap~ Freshner, not really..... Forgot to tell you guys that finally I've finished the product! Including the 250ml Freshner. It's kind of disappointing because what it did was only make my face fresh, but still ended up oily :'( but it still feels great.. I just think that I'll buy the 500ml -_- Umm... Nowadays I only buy a product that I REALLY need with a promising result, like how it claims would be.
Corrector... Well, depends on how your skin type and how do you really need it. I suggest that you should read other reviews too before buying, 'cause at first I was also so interested about the corrector and was planning to buy the full-size, but then after trying this trial kit, I feel like.. Meh~~ Not that ETUDE HOUSE is not doing their job, but well, different people have different opinion and reaction

1. Instant and quick correction for pores -> corrector
2. Instant freshness and re-hydration -> freshner
3. Help to rinse the make up residue on my face, and it also has cooling sensation after that. It's recommended to use a cleansing tools like sponge or brush
4. Affordable (full-size products)
5. I would say there are lots of bloggers have an experience with this line, especially the freshner. So, I guess the freshner really makes it in the market, and until today. Some bloggers said good too. So depends on each person. Compliment about The Freshner


It's an update from my post about the freshner. Well... Until I finish the product, I didn't feel anything aside from controlling sebum for a short time, and create an instant fresh.. For long term, umm.. I don't see any change in my pores since it's impossible
Note that everyone will experiences differently. It may not work for me, but it will for you

Soap: 4.5/5
Freshner: 3.5/5
Corrector: 5/5 


Wednesday 26 August 2015

[ REVIEW ] Tea Tree Skin Clearing Toner AND Vitamin E Face Mist by The Body Shop

My first very own The Body Shop skincare product!!!!!!!!

This post I think would be very short, with only 3 pictures and short sentences, because everyone knows The Body Shop, right? Right? Right? RIGHT?????
Just kidding... yup really, since everyone knows about what it is and the store is located across the world, so I'm not going to write a lot here. If you are so curious, go to the shop and let the salesman helps you, because that was what happened to me when I was choosing which one to buy..

These two, well, will assume this as my first own skincare product.. aside from my almond hand cream that I bought last year, that exceptional, haha..
So, currently I'm using these 2 products, because there is no changes in my irritation or whatever it on my cheeks, it's more than 6 months since I told you guys on February I guess, and not to offend anybody, the things I bought, back on February, was not even effective at all and didn't make any changes since then.. So, told my Mom that I can't take it anymore, and last week, I decided to visit this shopping mall in Surabaya and going in and out each of skincare and beauty stores, like Kiehl's, The Body Shop and others, including those in department stores like SOGO

So, like what I said, I'm currently using this toner, after shower. This toner is the first step of my skin care routine to cleanse make up residue, impurities, as the label said. This toner is suitable for blemished skin. And believe it or not, this is somehow too strong once I apply it on my face, like burning.... Wew.. But it does what it says...thankfully... The blemishes on my face is now reduced and yeah.. I feel some changes..
I forgot what is that layer at the bottom. The salesman told me what it is, and he said that layer is the most important essence for my face, so before using, make sure you shake it well. Looks like baby's milk doesn't it? LOL

Second one...

The face mist caught my attention as I was looking for light moisturizer that I need to use after applying the toner, because the toner really makes my face dry! That I need to apply shea butter cream from ETUDE HOUSE to moisturize my skin, especially near the smile-fine-line area. It hurts so much when your face is completely dry, to the extent that it becomes so stiff!
And so, that's why I think face mist is a great alternative, rather than gel or cream product. It's just for personal convenience, so... yeah... And this face mist smells great too, not too strong.. AND IT DOES MOISTURIZE MY FACE

1. What... Organic? Eco-friendly? Healthy ingredient? :D
2. Affordable (only for these 2, kay? Hahaha)

1. I just dislike the after-effect for the toner. My face feels stiff and burn, but only 1 minute.. that's alright.

Yessss~ Definitely! I even think about buying the toner again in future!

RATE: 5/5 

[ REVIEW ] Eye Shadow Palette by elianto

I'm still a beginner -_-
So, if the post is a bit off of the topic, or you found it a bit weird, I'm sorry in advance, because after all... elianto's eye shadow is my FIRST. OWN. Eye shadow. Usually, I steal my sister's, but even so... I still have no idea how to combine it with what and blablabla...

elianto is a product of Malaysia. Located almost anywhere in Malaysia's shopping malls, and like I said in the previous post, for me personally, elianto is just like an alternative for me, not only in terms of price which sometimes can be cheaper, but also the access. ETUDE HOUSE in Indonesia, offline store, the price is just making me cry-blood. I can buy 2 to 3 products by online for this price, but I can only buy 1 product (or even can't) from offline stores. So, luckily, elianto is also located here in Surabaya, and I often visit the counter to check out some current discounts or products they are having..

About the eye shadows....

You would be surprised, no? If I tell you that I bought these 2 products in 2 different country.. Hahahaha. For Frosty Palette, I bought in Malaysia, and you can check it here, for my Malaysia Haul , but not really. LOL. And the black case, I just bought it last week in here, Surabaya, because they were having a 45% discount for the eye shadow, so basically I get Rp90,000 ($9) for 4 pieces of single eye shadows, which is supposedly, you can only get 2 eye shadows for that price.
Note that the case is additional! I bought the case for Rp50,000 ($5) something, and I guess it's still worth it because the eye shadows are on SALE

I think Frosty Palette came out during Christmas 2014 (I hope so...) and so it was on SALE when I bought it, and it was around RM9.90 something, so roughly around $3 or more..
Look! The color is just so universal! You can combine it to make an absolute beautiful eye.. And they are a bit sparkly, but not too much, because I'm not so into glittery eyes yet~ So, these days I'm still interested to get matte-finish eye shadow or a little bit bling bling is still fine..

For the swatches..

So Pigmented and smooth!!!
 I really love it and I've been using it whenever I'm going to class. The brown one is just so suitable for my skin and for the white, sometimes I use it as a highlighter on my nose bridge.. This palette just amazing and incredible~! Universal color, pigmented, smooth, and ANYWAY, it comes with a sponge applicator but I was washing it when I took these pictures.. So, let it dry...

For the second palette....

(clockwise) sparkling silver, orange+brown with sparkle, dark dark dark purple, and hot pink

 Don't ask me the name, because it's not mention on the box. And by the way, by the time I decided the 4 colors, and also the case, the sales girl helped me to put each one of them onto the case, so... don't know... Hahaha.. For dark purple and hot pink, it's a matte eye shadow, and I really love the dark purple, the color is so unique and I saw a blogger using this color, and I think it's easy to combine it, especially with the hot pink one and create a kind of suitable look for autumn, even though Indonesia doesn't have autumn... LOL.. Just amazing.. ETUDE HOUSE has this dark purple color too, and I think it's in Look at My Eyes Cafe line
However, this case doesn't come with brush or applicator, so now I'm struggling -_- wash the applicator so often and sometimes I have to apply the product with bare finger

The swatches....

After silver, is the hot pink, and then dark purple, and then last one, the other sparkle eye shadow, which is.... Not visible -_- I did swipe couple layers and still not visible... Wew.. However, I think for the color payoff, the other palette (Frosty) is much better than this one.. One swipe and it appears really clear..! However, I love both of them and I guess it's still great for a beginner.. beside having cheaper price..

Short right? Will update the post once I have a clear and perfect picture of it on my eyes!

1. Pigmented and smooth
2. Affordable, especially if you purchase it directly in Malaysia
3. They always throw a great discount, regularly, and annually.. LOL. Yup, when other shops do not do it, elianto is the only oone
4. Simple packaging, not that fancy.. Well, similar to The Face Shop maybe
5. Great alternative aside from Korean product


Yes! Definitely! They have lots of colors too!
RATE: 3/5 

[ REVIEW ] FROZEN limited edition! Watery Face Pride Up! Cushion Pact by PeriPera

This is another thing from my haul in November 2014, and sadly, gotta admit that this is the most expensive thing I ever bought in Malaysia. It is exactly RM89, which is I suppose, twice the price of normally-affordable foundation cushion. RM89 = IDR329,300, or more than $30. It makes me sad.........
I mean, for PeriPera, is this price really common?
For those of you who have a foundation cushion from PeriPera, please kindly tell me how much is the actual (Korean) price.. Thanks~

In this side, it is written that the shade is no. 1 Peach Beige, but back then, when I was unpacked everything to check out this cushion, the shade written there was no. 2 Vanilla Beige (click here)

For a little bit detail, you can check out my post about the haul back in November, by clicking here.
So, I just again realized this when taking these photos, that actually everything is in Korean. No English. Wew.. How sad..
They have other stuff for Frozen limited edition such as powder pact, eyeliner kit, lip tint.. and... I guess eye palette, and that's all. When I was there, PeriPera counter was so small and separated from counter line like with Maybelline, clio and other brand, which is a bit pity, even though they need to highlight or promote this more interestingly.
I still remember I squatted in front of the shelf and picking the products one by one for testing.. Hahahaha..

The blue color part which my thumb was touching it, is actually a little help for us who wants to keep this beautiful box without ripping any part of the box. So, you just gotta press that blue part and then pull it up. Any edge of the box will not get torn because of our nails..

This is my second foundation cushion from other brand, aside from ETUDE HOUSE, and beside regretting, I still have to treasure it for review. Finally, my ETUDE HOUSE cushion has almost empty, currently.

Okay, I don't know who modify this cushion, but on the box, after I peeled off the sticker, it is written as no. 1, but then, at the back of cushion, is no. 2, so I don't know which one is which one.. I can't describe the shade... -_-
This is the bad thing of buying beauty products on the store, especially if the products are imported. Unfortunately, we can't just simply open the box, right.. So, deal with it~

Anyway, the puff's surface, which is later will be in contact with the foundation, is beige color, and which... I don't really like it. I prefer blue. Beige... You know... It looks dirty physically after several using, and I think I gotta wash it more and more often..

Umm..... This is kind of weird or normal, you think? The sponge is white.. I mean usually it's brown.. Huh? I was quite surprised actually..
Whatever.. So you are supposed to "dig in" a little bit, means pressing the puff onto the sponge quite hard and the foundation will appear to the surface. However, this is quite sad.. After several usage, I just realized that, is it because the shade that does not really match my skin or what, but I appear to be more greyish and pale instead of looking natural.. My excitement completely reduced when this thing did not work really well with my skin.. I have no problem if my skin appearance after applying this becomes lighter than my skin color, just not becomes grey~~~~ And I found out that I can't apply too much just like how I always did with the ETUDE HOUSE one

This is why I don't like beige puff. It still looks dirty no matter how many times you wash it

Pictures above taken after several using, like a month may be..

Just like the theme and title, "Watery.." This is suitable for people with dry skin, so it moisturizes your skin after that. Just not for me.. Duhh.. I'm still not aware of what my skin needs until now.. Tsk tsk tsk..

1. Completely new (great impression) even just by the look at the sponge which is still white.
2. Still considered as affordable... It's expensive because I purchased it outside Korea and there are almost none of PeriPera store in Malaysia either.. They are usually inside Watsons or any other small stands, selling Korean stuff


1. I don't know whose fault is this, but the shade doesn't match my skin :'( somebody pasted wrong shade stickers on top of the actual one
2. It would be great if the air puff is in blue color instead of beige.. It looks dirty after some time even after you wash it -_- I prefer dark color for the puff
3. Too RARE. I went to Watson when I went to Malaysia but they don't sell the refill.. then what about it when it finishes? Throw away the case?

No more.... Sorry PeriPera, but this product is just fail, or out of my expectation.. Only the theme "Frozen" will make people interested.
P.s. This is my personal opinion. If this goes well with you, then it's fine :)

RATE: 3/5 

Saturday 22 August 2015


Just wanted to keep it short for this post, because I told you guys a lot of story in the previous post about my trip and so on~ If you are interested, you can check here! I wrote a lot of stuff.. Haha... From my stay in KL and then went down to Malacca, and blablabla...

So, let's get back here...
When I went to Malaysia, I didn't make any plan about what I'm going to buy or what I really need, or... which one is only sold in Malaysia and not in Indonesia.. I was just too excited about this trip, and thanks to my aunt and my parents for giving so much for me for shopping... But.. I didn't consider it as shopping anyway.. It's too little.. LOL~ Unlike how I used to do..

(Clockwise) Nature Republic Cleansing Wipes, ETUDE HOUSE hair treatment. 5 pieces of sheet masks from SaSa, Cleansing wipes and cotton pad from Daiso

The second picture is the combination of what my bestfriend and I bought. Yup, we went to our (or may be "my") favourite store, and visiting in one shopping mall is not enough. I was so happy to find Bath & Body Works was ON SALE. I was thinking a lot about trying their product other than hand sanitizer and lotion.
These two pictures were taken in the hotel, so definitely 2 months ago.. Haha

 Wet tissues and nose pore pack strips are definitely my absolute favorite from Watsons! Their wet tissues are just great, with no alcohol, smells good and they have a lot of types for this.. I've been using their tissue starting from last year until today, and actually there is one Watsons too nearby my hometown, but I just can't help my hand not to take this cuties.. Haha.. And and.. Their pore pack is better than Biore, noted~

 From Daiso, I ended buying only these two. Due to my obsession these days with cleansing wipes and cotton pads. Yes I'm telling you honestly here. There are only few drug stores or may be companies who produce cleansing wipes, other than Pond's, which is also my favorite and it is recommended too if you are interested. That goes the same to cotton pad too... I was just crazy to find cotton pads here and there to compare which one is good. Indonesia do not have cotton pads like this too.. I'll show you next post..

Elianto. (Clockwise) BB Age Block Toning Serum, cute and handy Eau De Toilette, Again.... Cleansing wipes, Sheet Masks, Simple and cute palette from Frosty Christmas edition, and mini lip gloss
Yes, you saw cleansing wipes again.. -_- Hahaha.. Sorry for my obsession~ That time, Elianto was the only cosmetic shop who threw a quite great deals for almost every single product! From 10%, 20%, 50%, 70%, Buy 1 get 1, and just woww.. So many things here I bought for only RM10 (each), except the masks, because 1 box contains 10 and I already distributed (lol, I mean gave away) to my Mom and friends, and only 5 or 6 left.. Anybody may have different opinions, but I think Elianto is the best alternatives (in price, especially) if you need to buy an affordable cosmetic or skincare product - Korean cosmetic. I guess I went to Malaysia a little bit early before their annual mid-year sale, so that's why I can't get much~ I was just looking for SALE items, haha..

(Clockwise) Nature Republic, ETUDE HOUSE (mask), Bath & Body Works (lip gloss), The Face Shop (Cotton Pad), ETUDE HOUSE (hair treatment)
You may wonder why I only bought such a few from ETUDE HOUSE. Only 1 mask and 3 hair treatments? Yes..... 'cause it was only RM5 / each. Well, I checked their local website regularly to know what are their current promotion. But these 2, are the only I things I was interested. The rest I can buy online, it will be cheaper. So, again, you saw cleansing wipes and cotton pads! Hahaha.. But this is the last one, don't worry.
The cotton pad is from The Face Shop, compared to the other two above, this one is the most expensive and the least, in terms of amount. LOL. However, I'm currently using it and I think it's different than the other two.. Review will be up in future!

(Clockwise) SNP Animal Character Mask, 6 pieces of My Beauty Diary Mask, Collagen Omega-3 masks with Cat on it from a random K-pop shop in Dataran Pahlawan, Malacca (in front of Brands Outlet). Eye patch from Guardian, 2 remaining masks from SaSa
These things above I picked it from random drug store, like SaSa, guardian, and even Pasar Malam (night market)!! LOL~ Like SNP Animal Character Mask, well guys.. If you are following the trend, this type of mask is currently a hit in the market, and The Face Shop already has it in the store, and the price.. Well, this one is quite expensive, but knowing the fact that I will look like a monster when I'm wearing it, just wow... Just assume it's worth my money.. Haha. And then My Beauty Diary mask is also recommended and affordable! It's also another option other than ETUDE HOUSE or Innisfree may be.. This mask is made in Taiwan, and I swear it's great!!!