Monday 20 October 2014

[ REVIEW ] NYX Xtreme Lip Cream (XLC04 Buttery Nude)

Since my first post, aku belum bahas sama sekali soal ETUDE HOUSE, Lol! Hahaha. Padahal aku udah janji deh mau sering banget ngebahas itu, grrr! -_- It's because I'm still confused on which one I should I start first. Bahkan untuk post sekarang, tetap aja belum soal ETUDE HOUSE. Awwwhh.. I have a bunch of ETUDE HOUSE and it makes me confused!! -_-

Anyway, today's review is about NYX Xtreme Lip Cream. One word before everything, AMAZING! Here's the picture...

Believe it or not? It's actually my mother's one. SERIOUS! I gave her as a Mother's Day gift, like, almost one year ago. But every time I come back home, I am the one who used it often, like, almost every time I go out then I take this with me. Was planning to say "Mom, can I take this?", but..... Gossshh.. That's a gift I gave her -_- months and months after... Umm, last month, sehari sebelum pulang, aku komplain ke mamaku, "Kok ini gak pernah dipakai sih?", terus katanya gak ada waktu karena udah kebanyakan lipstik.. Duuuhhh -_- Well, that's because at the same day I gave her this, my sister gave her DIOR Red Lipstick! Gosshh ! Such a huge price gap between the two LOL, and my mom uses my sister's one more often, instead mine, ckckck.

Okay, back to the review.. Anyway I love this man. It's quite hard isn't it to find this color? Here's the colors NYX provided..

Mine is Buttery Nude (XLC04) Beige-pink.

I think nowadays girls are so in love with NYX Soft Matte Lip Cream, because of its various colors and it's so pigmented. If my mom doesn't allow me to bring this lip cream, aku udah rencana mau beli Soft Matte Lip Cream, despite of having a bunch of lipstick in my make-up desk, LOL.

It's not lipstick nor is it gloss. It's like nothing you've experienced before. It's liquid lipstick that goes on with full Xtreme color and intense shine
(long ingredients' list)

I love the applicator, and also the texture. You can see the clear texture when I apply it on my lips. It's amazing you know, because the texture is creamy and thick, and also like with oil? Haha. So you don't have to apply so much because it spreads well. Kamu bisa pakai buat bibir atas bawah dengan amount yang gak terlalu banyak, seperti gambar yang pertama contohnya, yang ada di ujung applicator-nya. But in my case, because I need to show you guys, so I need a bit more to apply so you can see the different.
Owh, anyway, I forgot to snap a picture of my bare lips -_- so sorry

And then, I used the one on my hand (above this paragraph) on my bottom lips..

Nah, now you can see that upper lips has nothing, and anyway I was also bare faced (forgot to put on make-up first). I was using the one on my hand on my bottom lips, and in this picture it doesn't show you clearly soalnya maaf ya, tangan cuma dua, dan ngandelin kamera depan buat foto, hahaha. Jadi kadang gak bisa focus.

Next, I put this little too on my upper lips... (I already put on my make-up, a bit messy I know -_- )

 and then spread it on my entire upper lips........

And here's the result after spreading it well on my entire lips. Looks natural isn't it? That's why I love it. 

Nowadays, I guess girls are looking for a natural-color lipstick, so that it fully covers your lips without losing its (lips) original color. If you do like this, then I guess you should pick this. Kayaknya gak nyesel deh aku ngambil ini dari mamaku, hahaha. Warnanya asli bagus banget.
Selain itu, untuk harga cuma lumayan murah. I can say that NYX and elf are affordable if you are looking for high quality make-up, compared to ETUDE HOUSE, hmm.. ETUDE HOUSE is a little bit more expensive, or maybe the same?

For some girls, the packaging is really important, especially if the color or package is eye-catching and unique. For me, yes it is, but it depends on what brands. NYX, elf, MAC, Coastal Scent, etc, are really simple with their design. Typical black box or cover and small mirror inside. The Body Shop, Elianto, and The Face Shop come with their colorful yet simple design. The color depends on the ingredients. Example: Chocolate / Almond as the ingredient, then the box will be chocolate, and so on so forth. While ETUDE HOUSE, they are known for their pink package and also with a cute design, because they are meant for teenager who wants to feel like a princess... Like, "Let me experience it~~~" Hahahaha

In conclusion, I really love this, and I do really want to try other color, but I'm waiting for my whole lipstick to finish, and it's going to take some times~!! :'(
I used to put on lip balm when I have this on my lips (usually after I eat) in order to make it more glossy but not oily! However, It does help this lip cream to stay longer, but yeah, after some times it fades away.

1. Cheap in price (approximately $7 - $9 = Less than Rp100.000 in the counter)
2. Pigmented and long-lasting (depends on what you do)
3. Very light and small (easy to carry)
4. Various natural colors are provided
5. Simple design

1. The lid is... less tight? Kurang kencang? LOL. Kurang tahu kenapa tapi pernah aku masukin ke dalam tas (tanpa pouch), I just simply put it in, eee.. Pas mau diambil, malah mbeleber di tas, dan hampir aja ngotorin tas :'( So, I guess YOU BETTER DO NOT SIMPLY PUT IT IN in your bag!
2. I can't see the current portion inside, because, I don't know.. Is it the color of the bottle the same with content? I really can't see how much left.. Unpredictable. Haha, Just like mascara.

YES! Different color probably!

RATE: 5/5