Tuesday 18 November 2014

[ SHARE ] Sungha Jung ( 정성하 ) Love Story Acoustic Guitar Concert LIVE in Surabaya, on Friday, 14th November 2014

Who is he?
Sungha Jung is........ a finger-style guitarist! He plays guitar and ukulele in an unbelievable way that you can never imagine! If you are guitar player and want to improve yourself, I suggest you should check him up on Youtube!
He already make hundreds of video covers in Youtube! He plays the melody perfectly, with only the guitar, like awhhh amazing => Sungha Jung's Official Youtube

He's still young anyway. Well, just one year below me LOL, but just he how talented he is.

By the way, he visited us here for a concert, and surprisingly! The venue is only nearby my house! First concert ever in my life and venue is just 10-minutes walk? LOL kidding me~
The venue was in a luxurious ballroom in downtown, but... the amount of goers are...only a few, just exactly like what I expected. Probably only those who has money can go, and mostly Chinese were there, bringing their guitar, tsk tsk tsk...

The price of the ticket according to their section...
  • VIP Package Rp 780.000
  • VIP Rp 600.000
  • GOLD Rp 500.000
  • SILVER Rp 400.000
And I bought the VIP Package (Photo session and FREE autograph CD)

Straight to the point...
So, the concert was divided into 2 section, 1 and 2. 7 songs per sections, which I think only took around 40 minutes for 1 section. What a tiring day, hahaha, for him and for us.
I only began to took a picture on section 2, because the security guards kept watching us from a far (haizz..), but a boy beside was intentionally recorded a video as much as he can, of course right? You want to have it as a memory!

my phone can't do anything much about it :'(

He was at the corner there, near the banner, and doing a photo session with VIP guests. Can you see that? He was beside the lady in black clothes (hair-tied) (left hand side). I was way back behind with others. DONE my photo session~~!! Muahahahahha. It will be revealed below, at the end of this post.

So, after everyone has done their photo session, we were asked to go out again, waiting outside for around 45 minutes before the concert, and then we will go in together with other people who do not take VIP Package. *sigh... This was my first time going to a concert, so I hardly make any complain...

This was session 1. He was not even there, yet~! -_-

We had around 15 minutes of break before starting the session 2. Funniest thing ever happen in a concert. LOL.

Session 2 began and he brought his ukulele! How cute~~~~!!!
And, anyway, I'm sorry everyone, I don't know exactly what song he played entirely, from the start until the end. Yes, he did mention the title of the song, but it sounds like he was mumbling, murmuring or whatever, I can't hear exactly what he said. His English is good though! But the way he spoke was a bit unclear. So, Sungha-sshi...! Please talk louder next time! ^o^

He brought along his guitar as well...
And what I remember he did play one Indonesian song, and another one is "Lost Star" by Adam Levine. And then the last song he played, AND HE ALSO SANG was... umm.. I'm not really sure, but the lyric went like, "I'm a bad boy.." and that word was repeated several times, also mention "You are a good girl" or something.

And then, after finish with all sort of playing, it came to a lucky draw event. It was only for those who purchased his CD on the spot, before the concert. So, it was not for VIP Package -_- what an unfair condition, somehow.... Grrrrr...
He picked the number himself, so absolutely no cheating here.

So, anyway.... Congratulation to the winner! She won a guitar that cost Rp6,000,000 !! FREE! And it was picked by Sungha himself. Oh my.... How jealous we were can you imagine?

So....... END of the concert!!!

After the concert, is autograph session, it's special for those who bought his CD and also those who brought along their guitar (How I wish I should bring mine too -_- ). I didn't join in the line, because our free CD is already signed, WTH right?
The situation is like this...

-----------                  ~~~~~~~ Chairs ~~~~~~~~
                !                                                                               l
Ballroom  !                -------------people----------------               l Table where HE sat
                !       ~~~~ he was running towards the table             l for the autograph session
-----------                 ~~~~~~~ Chairs ~~~~~~~~

After the concert ended, people were asked to line up in front of the door, until the table where he sat down, it was like around 20 meters long. So he was running out from the ballroom, and that time I was just standing there in awe......................... While other girls were busy taking a picture of him running here and there, LOL
I didn't even think about taking a picture because there were too many people around him...
Tsk tsk tsk...

However, I had a great night ever! It was my first time attending a concert and I was so happy that meeting the people I like is so....gonna make me tremble, LOL. Heart beats!! Hohooho..

Here's the picture of me and him~

I was a little messed up here. My hair, my make up, my shirt, fiuuuhhh, everything was sooooo in a hurry (they told us to do this quickly, when in fact, they were the one who delayed this session, OMG!!! -__- )
Awwwhh~ His right hand was in my shoulder and actually my left hand was on his waist, but I WAS HOLDING THE FREAKING FREE CD! That's why only my WRIST touched waist, muahahahaha!

So, END here.....
Thank you everyone!!