Friday 30 January 2015

[ SHARE ] My Skin Irritation and What I Purchased!

I'm not really sure if it is really a haul, because I only bought a little. And that little cost me a lot, LOL, for Indonesian, it's a bit "a lot" for little things.
So, I just received this one week ago, and I can't wait to try it!

So, a little bit story why I bought this, is because my skin these days is not in a good condition, especially on the jaw line area. There are some kind like small pimples, but I guess it is not, especially that time when I tried to dispense its content or intentionally rub it with my sharp nails, only bloody red marks left.. It didn't explode or anything.. If I intentionally press a pimple, big or small, I would feel painful all over my body (lie!), but this one no... And it's almost up to my chin!! :'(
My chin is already full of disturbing pimples and whiteheads!
So yeah,
My sister suspected that it is kind of irritation after I send her pictures. It is brownish red and may be when I use dirty powder sponge or dirty brush that I used for my bronzer, or may be some products that I used are already expired or something. Definitely not because of eyeliner or lipstick, LOL

So, these are what I purchased, and the samples too.. But not really interested with samples, haha.. sorry, but really wish to try it and make a review in future..

Note: Everything is from ETUDE HOUSE! Except for the samples.

First................... AC Clinic Intense Pink Powder Spot Patch

Honestly, I didn't try to research about this product at first, but as far as I know, this is sticker patch? for your pimples, and it comes with different sizes, so it is suitable for different size of pimples you got.
I saw in a Youtube review that this helps to speed the healing, so yeah... I was planning to simply put it on the marks, that I thought it's a pimples, and see whether it works...

Second........ Wonder Pore Special Wow Kit

The box is a bit torn I don't know why, when actually the packaging was so neat and everything is tied! But never mind..

Before I purchased everything, I asked several people to help me, by asking this question..

"If you have to decide and are forced to buy a products to..
1. Overcome your pimples
2. Clean, cleanse and take care of your big pores
3. Avoid environmental dust and polution

Which one you will more focus on? When there is no single product that can overcome all the three, and you can't buy everything because it will so expensive, and right now you also have pimples trouble.
Which one you will choose?"

Some answered they will choose no. 1 and no. 2, and only one chose no. 3, because she said that pimples and big pores are caused by the polution.

Honestly, I don't know why I have to buy this kit, may be first, because I need some trials, to test if it is suitable for my skin, and second, I need the corrector that will shown after this... Hahaha




This corrector is surprisingly small! Honestly I am quite disappointed with this, OMG. So small but so cute!
I supposed to get this free if I bought a large quantity of product, but some sells this too for trial..

Like I said above, I really need the corrector. Why?
Maybe this video featuring SHINee's Key and f(Sulli) will help you to understand better..
I really hope that the Wonder Pore set will helps my pore to be smaller and less sebum.

Third......... Dust Cut Skin Guard Kit (3EA)

I read about it and always wish to get this, the full size! This one is to avoid environmental dust and polution like I said in number 3.
Again, another video to help you how it works, f(Sulli) _ Super Defence Skin Treatment

Finish Cream (day or night cream)

Facial Mist

Micro Foam Cleanser
This kit is the most expensive sample I ever purchased, I even somehow regretted for buying this kit, like.. aww.. I better buy the full size instead of this..

Fourth............. Wonder Pore Freshner (250ml)

I didn't realize this at first.. But why I bought two similar things? LOL. I bought the set that already has the freshner, and then I bought another full size freshner.
But I plan to use the kit first and then use the full size..

I asked my best friend about this product, because she did try years ago, and she said that it is useful and fine, but when you applied it, you will feel your face is burning, may be because of the acid, may be?
So, yeah.. but I've seen a lot of reviews about this product and they love it!
I can't wait to try this definitely

Fifth........... Puff & Brush Cleaning Mist

This one is the last product I purchased, and the reason why I bought this is because, may..... be... my irritations are caused by a puff or a brush that are full of bacteria because I seldom clean it, and always forgot to clean it, so.. to save time I bought this instead.

That's it!!!

Every products will be up in a review in a mean time!
Can't wait to try them all!

Have a nice day,

Oh yeah, and if you roughly know about why I have irritations mainly on my jaw line, please comment below.. Thank you~

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