Friday 24 October 2014

[ REVIEW ] Alphabet Mask "I Need You, Immortelle!" Mask Sheet by ETUDE HOUSE

In my country, it's almost dawn now, dan aku baru aja (2 jam yang lalu) selesai pakai masker dan langsung buka laptop buat nge-review, hahaha.
So, right now's review is my favorite mask from ETUDE HOUSE, yang masih nge-trend banget sampai sekarang, yaitu ALPHABET MASK! From A - Z! + Heart <3

Cute isn't? And honestly, for me, this is the great invention of ETUDE HOUSE! Now we know which ingredient is suitable for our face, for weekly treatment. For your information too, I haven't tried each one of them from A - Z + Heart, because I think they re-new their old package one and erase this line, which I think so unfortunate :'( Buying 25 masks straight away is so........................... costly, so yeah.
But I still have other alphabets to try on in future! So stay tune!

Here is the main ingredients according to their respective alphabet

So now, I'm going to review "I", which is Immortelle. I have no idea what is it, so.... Google on~!

"Immortelle is a plant native to the Mediterranean coastal regions of both southern Europe and northern Africa........... Immortelle essential oil have long been prized for restoring the elasticity of skin and have been used as a skin tonic for treating wounds and scrapes since in ancient times. The oils from the flowers have long been believed to restore a youthful look, as well..."

"Immortelle essential oil has traditionally been used for its anti-inflammatory, analgesic, cell regenerating, pain reducing and calming properties.
The essential oil has been applied to stretch marks, acne scars, surgical scars, and wounds.
Immortelle is used in many skin care products for its ability to stimulate the production of new dermal cells. This property makes it popular in facial care for acne scars, dry and weathered skin and for mature skin.
The essential oil is excellent in massage and herbal oils for sensitive, inflamed skin, muscle strains, aches and pains."

Energizing & Nourishing

I'm using it like two times a week if possible, or sometimes once if I have no time and just too lazy. I love ETUDE HOUSE's mask since the end of 2011. It's cheap and PARABEN FREE. So, seriously this mask should be included in your weekly treatment and make your skin healthy!

So, here is the backside..

This mask sheet contains immortelle (Helichrysum Arenarium Extract), "the immortal flower" that symbolizes full vitality and rich nutrition, revitalizing and nourishing exhausted skin.

1. Apply toner to skin after cleansing
2. Remove mask from pouch and apply to face, placing mask to fit eye and lip area
3. Remove mask after 15 ~ 20 minutes and lightly massage remaining solution into skins with hands

What captured my eyes the most is the word "exhausted skin". Yeah... my skin is pretty 'exhausted' lately, hahaha. Being exposed to sunlight directly, like almost everyday, for about 2 - 3 hours, guess yeah.. pretty exhausted right? Hahaha.
What is the best is to use this mask at night, may be 1 or 2 hours before you sleep? But this is just my suggestion. I told my mom the other day, "It is no use if you use this mask then after that you go out (at noon 12pm and above). Everything will be disappeared and useless!"

So, let's take out the mask...........

For you, who are still new with face mask, then it's good too for you. You can see there that there is actually lot of solution in it, jadi masker masih tetap dalam keadaan basah dalam kondisi apapun. Dan wanginya juga harum banget, tergantung bahan dasar yang dipakai. So, my mom told me that it will be such a waste if I dump the mask straight away without taking the residual solution, and so I always do. By patting in on my neck or hand, and even my foot. Moisturizes at the same time right?

You are supposed to wear it for 15~20 minutes, but sometimes I take a bit long until 30 minutes, so until almost completely dry up!
I forgot (again and again) to take a picture of my bare face...


So, here is my picture after I put it on, and you can see that there is a lot of solution from the mask.

My suggestion:
"You will get bored easily and quickly if you have to wait for 20 minutes or more, doing nothing. So, for me, usually I will listen to music or watching Youtube.
How do I know if it's already 20 minutes?
1. When I'm listening to music, I'll put my favorite songs in 1 folder, around 5 - 8 songs (assume each song is 4 minutes)
2. You can put on an alarm (12:00 - 12:30)
3. Playing Facebook or whatever. Time flies really fast


After 20 minutes

Nah, you can see the difference clearly right? The solution completely dried up on the forehead part and cheek part. When it goes dry, it won't stick anymore to your skin.

Look! When it dries, it will become something like this. Yes it still sticks on your face but you will feel that the mask is already dry and no more solution left.

So, this is my face after everything was done. I did not add or put anything on my face, and the solution on my face was completely gone

Pat or massage your face lightly so that the remaining (if there is) solution will be absorbed. The massage also will make your face more elastic and relax.

So, feel good huh?

I really love their mask especially this Alphabet mask! I really want to try each one of them, as every one has a different function. Dan kalau aku, personally sih, sukanya masker yang bisa brightening, rejuvenating, nourishing, etc, tapi lebih ke buat wajah yang lelah atau sering terkena debu dan sinar matahari, karena menurut aku itu penting banget buat mengembalikan keaslian kulit wajah kita.

1. Cheap ($1 - $2 = Rp15.000 - Rp28.000)
2. Different ingredients, different function
3. Smells great but not too strong


Of course!!!!

RATE: 5/5

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