Thursday 23 October 2014

[ REVIEW ] Dear My Blooming Lips Talk Lipstick by ETUDE HOUSE in PK004 and PK005

Hey guys, another review here, and by the way, trust me, if the production of this cutie still continues, make sure you buy this! This is one of ETUDE HOUSE's product that marks the first journey of me, becoming an ETUDE HOUSE's loyal customer until today!
Actually I got this around two years ago. One is from my best friend, while one is from a special gift (purchased! Not free!). So damn old isn't it? Hahaha, but they are still good until today.

This is the picture from ETUDE HOUSE, which they have many colors from one lipstick.
I've thrown away the boxes ages ago, so I just took this from Google.

 I really love the colors, and at that time, my best friend was so into SHINee, so she, after knowing that SHINee was the current model of ETUDE HOUSE, duuhh.. you know what happen next, hahaha. What makes me attracted to this was.... its container! Soft pink with kind of ribbon, and the design of the lipstick (inside) Awhhh.. seriously! I love it! So, I told my best friend to buy it for me for my birthday (What the heck? LOL)

The container is like this, and the color presented on it is exactly what I'm going to review. PERFECT! And the box is exactly like this, except the other one. Tell me, how cute is this? Haha! Who on earth will dare to resist this cute lipstick?!

Honestly, on my first year of senior high school, aku masih gak tertarik sama sekali sama lipstik, karena kupikir semua lipstik itu sama. Pahit, bau gak enak, lembek, yuckz! Just like my mom's lipstick! Dan aku juga gak pernah bayangin bahwa botol lipstik bisa se-cute ini! ETUDE HOUSE... You nailed it!
My best friend bought this when we were still staying in Malaysia, and the price at that time was around RM59 (Rp180.000). That time RM1 is still equal to Rp3.000 or Rp3.100. Sekarang, bahkan ada yang bisa ngejual setengah harga di online shop, tapi original ya. Mungkin karena harga kaunter juga sih, so... yeah... Kita gak pernah tahu soal online shop yang ngejual produk ETUDE HOUSE di sana, karena menurut kita INI sudah murah, hehe, dan juga menghemat waktu pastinya, gak perlu nunggu PO, and the employee also can help us to choose which one is suitable.

Before that. - WATCH THIS! Staring Sandara Park and SHINee! They were endorsing this product.

While the one from special gift is this... Dear My Blooming Special Gift

Isn't it cute huh????? ANSWER ME! Hahahaha. They have nail polish, lipstick and perfume in one box.
1. Dear My Blooming Nails #3
2. Dear My Blooming Lips Talk PK004
3. Fruity Floral Fragrance EDT

The perfume has gone, LOL, like around this year, I think around March, but I've to admit that the smell is great and it stayed on my clothes for a day!
The nail polish is still here, and I'm gonna review it in future

I bought this special package Malaysia for RM29 (Rp90.000) !! Before sale, it was RM99 (Rp300.000) ! Such a big gap isn't? Muahahaha, that was why I bought it straight away!! And that's why too I love Malaysian ETUDE HOUSE more! When they say ON SALE, it's really ON SALE! Huge different between the actual and discount price!

Anyway, look at the design of the lipstick. I took this from someone's blog so credit to the respective owner (thanks dear!)

How cute is this??? Seriously!
See? Even the lipstick is carved so beautifully! It really makes you feel like a princess! Isn't it pretty? I'm sure if you (boys) buy this for your girlfriend, I'm sure she will be damn happy! And will try her best to look more and more pretty when you two hang out!

So, I found this lipstick is different than my mom's, well, other than the cute design of course. The lipstick also has a nice smell but I have no idea how to describe it. IT DOES SMELL, but no so strong, just..... nice. Usually my mom's lipstick is flaccid, like it will easily melt when the weather is hot! Well, what I can say is because my mom always buy local lipsticks -_- So, my lipstick here is more expensive than hers, hahahaha. That tells you the difference.

The real pictures of mine
PK 005 (left) and PK 004 (right)

As you can see, the color of PK004 is similar with the color of my blanket. That color is darker than PK005

Semakin lama, aku jujur aja lebih tertarik sama PK004, karena warnanya lebih tua, dan somehow matches my almost-dark skin. Aku sih seringnya pakai yang tua. Kalau yang PK005, jarang pakai sih, karena warnanya terkesan muda, and somehow I remember my aunt put the same color on her lips, so I think, I kinda look older with soft pink. Tapi sebenarnya tergantung selera dan warna kulit juga sih. I love PK004 more than the other one

Smooth textured lipstick supplies vivid color and moist shine.

Twist to dispense makeup and apply evenly to lips.

1. Use only as directed.
2. Avoid storing in high and low temperatures and areas exposed to direct sunlight.
3. Cease use if problems arise.
you can check it out on:

Aku pakai keduanya di hari yang berbeda, dengan penampilan yang berbeda. Hahaha

Me, without and with make-up! Hahahaha. But I already showered okay (on both photos)
I've no time to do make-up on left because no battery left on my phone.
PK005 on left and PK004 on right

I really did look like a lion on the left photo, hahaha. I can't help it but laugh at my own picture. Can you now tell the difference? Maybe my make-up on the right did give a good look, as it matches the color of the lipstick. For clearer picture, you can look at my Instagram photos on @medyachoi_23sept.

Nah, on the second photo, I did put BB cream to cover blemishes and whatever, just a slight make-up to make everything A BIT perfect.

If you look at my photo, probably you will think that PK005 (soft pink) will gives you natural look like NYX Xtreme Lip Cream which I did on previous review, but trust me, it's not! Baru sadar juga sih kalau warna kayak gitu ternyata kurang cocok sama kulitku. Aku lebih suka pakai warna tua, 'cause it covers the darkness part of my lips.

I hope this photo can tell the difference. LOL

So, it's actually not really soft pink, but kinda pale. I look like a sick person when I wear it, especially when my clothes do not match at all.
Sampai sekarang sih aku lebih suka pakai yang pink tua daripada yang pink muda, karena cocok banget buat semua acara, dan kadang juga aku pakai ke kampus, PK004 really stands out! That's why I love it!

There is another lipstick line came out, Dear My Wish Lips Talk and I can't wait to purchase it, because the container is so dam cute again!! And the colors are similar with Dear My Blooming Lips Talk.

1. Cute design!! Pink some more!
2. Affordable (if you purchase online)
3. Many color provided
4. Smells nice but not too strong
5. Doesn't melt easily like other lipstick when you place it on a hot room. But please don't do that!!
6. Vivid and a bit glossy!



Not YES but also not NO, because I want to try other lipstick from ETUDE HOUSE, like Dear Jelly Lips Talk, Dear My Wish Lips Talk, and anymore? Hahaha


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