Saturday 18 October 2014

[ REVIEW ] ETUDE HOUSE Precious Mineral BB Cream Bright Fit (Natural Beige W13)..and.. GARNIER Skin Naturals BB Miracle Skin Perfector (All-in-1 Perfecting Cream)

So, I'm back again with another review. This time... err.. I'm reviewing 2 brands of BB cream, to compare them, but I won't say which one is better and blablabla, because I'm using both of them, regularly.
Guys, have you watched Martina's video from eatyourkimchi when she did BB Cream comparison? If you still don't, you should do so, before or after reading my review
Here it is........
BB Cream Challenge! By Martina (eatyourkimchi).

Penampakan kedua BB Cream
Aku bilang di atas kalau aku menggunakan kedua-duanya. Hah? Kok Bisa? Kalau ada acara penting, umm.. ya gak usah penting-penting banget deh, contohnya aja ke kampus dan jalan-jalan, nah, aku pakai yang merk ETUDE HOUSE, sedangkan kalo cuma untuk keluar, apa ya.. kalau dibilang, cuma untuk melindungi wajah dari debu, dan selain itu, paling cuma 1 jam atau 2 jam, nah.. baru aku pakai yang GARNIER.
Alasannya? Ya soalnya GARNIER lebih murah kan, jadi boros-boros sedikit gak apa-apa deh, hahahahaha. Back to the point, anyway, I enjoy using the 2 products, still, and I think I will keep on buying GARNIER, and moreover, my mom likes GARNIER too, and since the tube is quite small, so we can carry it without any risk (example: tube cover breaks or something)

ETUDE HOUSE one is written in Korea, while GARNIER in English. Anyway, I threw away the box of GARNIER so I can't capture the ingredients, whether there is a Paraben or not. Please do check by yourself. But, for ETUDE HOUSE I still have it. I won't write all the words from the GARNIER anyway, I think you still can see from the picture, hahaha. By the way, I only take a picture of English explanation

New Garnier All-in-1 Perfecting Cream, the GARNIER BB moisturizer that gives you an amazing fairer-looking skin with a single gesture, and revealing the perfect-looking skin in a flash
Witness the miracle of visible perfect skin instantly:
1. Brightens skin
2. Lightens dark spot & ane marks
3. Moisturizes skin
4. Mattifies skin & absorbs oils, giving a powder finish
5. Evens out skin tone

It is lightweight, easy to spread and blend to skin evenly. It doesn't clog pores, makes skin feel fresh, comfortable, and is suitable for all skin type

Precious Mineral BB Cream promotes silky complexion with pearl infused sheer coverage. Contains Adenosine & Arbutin for anti-wrinkle & whitening efficiencies, SPF for UV protection

This is my bare face. Not really bare, I just put a cream to moisturize I would say, like.. to prepare my skin, so it won't be too dry when I put BB cream. Looks a bit old huh? Hahahaha

Anyway, here is another BB cream picture. ETUDE HOUSE has pump, which I love it a lot! While GARNIER just like this, tube-type, hahaha, dan kalau aku pikir sih, untuk kebersihan atau higienitas, aku lebih suka yang ada pompanya. Nah, selain itu, seperti yang kalian lihat di foto bawah ini, kalau model-model tube, krimnya bisa keluar-keluar sampai di mulutnya, and I hate it.

GARNIER's texture. Lebih cair dan terasa banget gak terlalu padat. Jadi lebih ringan.
ETUDE HOUSE's texture. Lebih padat dan lebih creamy. Jadi agak lebih berat

Okay, let's summarize... GARNIER's one is not that creamy and not so heavy. So, because the texture is not that heavy, I can spread the cream wider and wider, but sometimes, since I think if I can spread wider, means I need  A LOT to put. GARNIER's shade is darker than ETUDE HOUSE, but actually that doesn't make any difference when I put it,. Really. I can't tell at all. It's around the same.

So, I put GARNIER on my right side, and ETUDE HOUSE on my left.

 NOTE: I'm still in my naked face here!

(while putting on the BB cream.......................)

The advertisement in Indonesia approximately is like this, staring Pevita Pearce. They change the model after some periods but no development on the product (such as ingredients may be). And then, for your information too, they only sell it with one shade that will match the majority here. Sorry to say, but most Indonesians are a bit darker

The advertisement with Sandara Park. As you can see above, ETUDE HOUSE has various shades from light to dark tone, and I'm using W13. I think I'm going to stuck with that shades, or maybe next time gonna take the darker one,W24.

Can you tell the difference? Muaahahahahaha
To remind you again, I put GARNIER on my right side (photo: left) and ETUDE HOUSE on my left side (photo: right)
If you still can't tell the difference, you can see it on my nose. I had a big pimples there and it's almost one month, still the mark doesn't disappear, but the 'content' already gone. Now I'm going to deal with that, grrrrr....

In Indonesia and for Indonesian, if you buy 1 ETUDE HOUSE, approximately, you can get 5 - 6 tubes of GARNIER (If you buy the ETUDE HOUSE one in online shop). But what I'm going to tell you is, price tells it all. Some products, the more expensive it is, the higher the advantage and good point they have. However, in my opinion, GARNIER does a good job too on my face.

1. Cheap in price
2. Good coverage (3.5 / 5)
3. Available in pharmacy / cosmetic counter / supermarket
4. Parfumey~~~~ I personally love the smell, but if some of you can't take the smell, then go with ETUDE HOUSE

1. Perfect coverage (4.5 / 5 ) 
2. Available only in ETUDE HOUSE counter and online shops only
3. Sample is available. The sample is used for BB cream newbie, to test whether it matches your skin tone. In Indonesia, they sell it, but if you go the counter, they will give you for free IF YOU PURCHASE SOMETHING (more than 2 items)
4. Available in various shades 
5. It comes with pump, which I find it cute and I love it!
6. The SPF is higher than GARNIER 

1. Since it's cheaper, so they just come out with a TUBE
2. Only 1 shade is available in Indonesia, while here, I mean, not everyone's skin is darker, there are also Chinese and so on.

1. Pricey, but I can still afford it.
2. Can't simply put it in my bag. I'm afraid the tube's cover might break, so sometimes I just bring GARNIER instead. It is made of plastic that can easily break.
3. In Indonesia, the price in the counter is 2 -3 times higher, so you have no choice but to buy it online. Duhh.. You have to deal with "Trust", hahaha.

For GARNIER yes, but ETUDE HOUSE, umm.. I don't think I will buy this BRIGHT FIT anymore, because actually, BRIGHT FIT is for those who have a quite dry skin, so BRIGHT FIT makes the face a bit glowing. IF YOUR SKIN IS OILY, YOU NEED TO HAVE THE COTTON FIT ONE!


ETUDE HOUSE = 4.5/5  

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